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Let’s take a look at the stored procedure approach in terms of how it protects against SQL injection. Firstly, we’ll put together the SQL to create the procedure and grant execute rights to the user. One of the problems we had above was that the query was simply a concatenated string generated dynamically at runtime. The account used to connect to SQL Server then needed broad permissions to perform whatever action was instructed by the SQL statement.

In this case I’ve left custom errors off and allowed the internal error message to surface through the UI for the purposes of illustration. Of course doing this in a production environment is never a good thing not only because it’s information leakage but because the original objective of verifying the existence of the table has still been achieved. Once custom errors are on there’ll be no external error message hence there will be no verification the table exists. Finally – and most importantly – once we get to actually trying to read or write unauthorised data the exploit will not be successful. This is a good case for being a little more selective about the accounts we’re using and the rights they have.

What is OWASP? What are OWASP Top 10 Security Risks?

Sometimes, the application should include components to respond to an attack by blocking the request, raising alerts etc. They recommend that everyone should consider this report while developing web applications. When you run a Linq query to fetch your data, any linq “Where” statement will be packaged as a parameter query and sent to SQL server. This means you really need to go out of your way to open yourself up to SQL Injection, however it’s not impossible! Almost all ORM’s are able to send raw SQL queries if you really want to. Take a look at this article from Microsoft on sending Raw SQL through Entity Framework Core here.

  • Enter OWASP, the Open Web Application Security Project, a non-profit charitable organisation established with the express purpose of promoting secure web application design.
  • This post is about how to implement breadcrumbs in ASP.NET MVC Core.
  • In reality, .NET has far more efficient ways of doing language localisation but this just goes to prove that vulnerabilities can be exposed through more obscure channels.
  • One of problems with the code in the original exploit is that the SQL string is constructed in its entirety in the .NET layer and the SQL end has no concept of what the parameters are.
  • The variable we’ve assigned above may be passed to SQL Server – possibly in a concatenated SQL string – should language variations be stored in the data layer.

The XmlTextReader can become unsafe if if you create your own nonnull XmlResolver with default or unsafe settings. System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader is safe by default, as when it attempts to parse the DTD, the compiler throws an exception saying that “CData elements not valid at top level of an XML document”. It becomes unsafe if constructed with a different unsafe XML parser.

A3 Sensitive Data Exposure#

Let’s go back to the first example but this time we’ll create a new user with only select permissions to the Products table. We’ll call this user NorthwindPublicUser and it will be used by activities intended for the general public, i.e. not administrative activates such as managing customers owasp top 10 net or maintaining products. MSDN has a good overview of how to use regular expressions to constrain input in ASP.NET so all you need to do now is actually understand how to write a regex. With the successful execution of this statement we have just verified the existence of the Products tables.

  • Finally, start thinking very, very laterally and approach this series of posts with an open mind.
  • Study through a pre-planned curriculum designed to help you fast-track your DotNet career and learn from the world’s best collection of DotNet Resources.
  • Check applications that are externally accessible versus applications that are tied to your network.
  • While they run different workshops and events all over the world, you have probably heard of them because of the “OWASP Top Ten” project.
  • This will happen when the sensitive data like KYC information, payment information, etc. are not properly encrypted or exposed due to weak authorization rules.
  • Fortunately it’s uncommon to see dynamic, parameterless SQL strings constructed in .NET code these days.

Quite often you will find guesswork can do a tonne for you. If this is an eCommerce site the changes are they will have a “Customers” table and a “Orders” table etc. SQL Injection isn’t as always as easy as copy and pasting in a URL and suddenly you have the keys to the kingdom. This is a rather extreme example and coded rather poorly, but it illustrates the point. Hitting this endpoint to get data, we seem to have no issue. Secondly, the SQL statement was constructed as a concatenated string and executed without any concept of using parameters. The CategoryID was consequently allowed to perform activities well outside the scope of its intended function.

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