How to plan for a fabulously gay retirement

How to plan for a fabulously gay retirement

If one of the gay retirement communities above isn’t accessible to you, look for an LGBT-friendly facility with a SAGECare certification.

It may be that you need or will eventually need more customized care. Then, it may be appropriate to consider assisted living.

LGBT assisted living typically offers 24/7 concierge service and may use outside vendors to deliver medical care and other needs.

The best time to start saving and investing for retirement is always now. Too often, especially for LGBT people, we’re emotionally or physically ready to retire before we’re financially ready to retire.

If you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s or even early 50s, you have time on your side. If you’re older, it’s time to get serious.

1. Calculate your net worth (assets minus liabilities)

The first step in preparing for retirement, your goal, is knowing where you are today. Read more